LGBT Tolerance Indexv 0.1

Attitudes towards homosexuality in the world

I may disapprove of what you say,
but I will defend to the death your right to say it

Evelyn Beatrice Hall

Richard Florida, an influential scholar of urban studies, has uncovered a direct relationship between open-mindedness, tolerance, creativity and economic output of American cities. In his book The Rise of the Creative Class he finds that cities with big gay communities enjoy higher levels of prosperity, attract many skilled professionals and manage to build a solid talent base: “Places that a large gay and lesbian community gravitated to, a large group of musicians and other open minded people gravitated to. When these kind of geeky entrepreneurs became important economic growth, those were the places that accepted them, too.”

Simultaneously, OECD Society at a Glance 2011 examines tolerance among member countries and concludes that richer countries have more acceptable communities:

For this reason I embark on constructing an exhaustive index of tolerance for gay people among countries. This index is based on data from major social surveys and lies in the range [0...1], where higher values signify more tolerance for gay people.

The results are shown below:

Three top- and three bottom-performing countries

CountryLGBT Tolerance Index

LGBT Tolerance throughout the world

Data note

The Index can be accessed here. It is constructed from adaptively weighted results of the following country-wide surveys: